


Key Type Description
address Address
address_verified boolean Has the postal address been verified by the Location owner?
code string Optional code set by the owner to represent this Location
closed_date string The date the Location closed
default boolean Is this the default Location for the related Org?
description string The description of the Location
domain string The to.co Stable Domain Name for the Location ending .loc.to.co
emails Emails
established_year integer (int32) The year the Location was established
hours Hours
links Links
name string The Location name
org_domain string The to.co Stable Domain Name for the Org ending .{country_code}.to.co
phones Phones
public_domain string The public to.co Stable Domain Name or Public Location Domain ending in .loc.to.co which shows the to.co Page for the Location
updated string The time the Location was last updated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
version_number integer (int32) Version number of the Location record


  "address_verified": true,
  "name": "John Lewis & Partners",
  "hours": {
    "normal": [
        "day": 0,
        "open": false,
        "open_time": "00:00",
        "close_time": "00:00"
        "day": 1,
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "17:00"
        "day": 2,
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "17:00"
        "day": 3,
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "17:00"
        "day": 4,
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "17:00"
        "day": 5,
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "17:00"
        "day": 6,
        "open": false,
        "open_time": "00:00",
        "close_time": "00:00"
    "special": [
        "date": "2025-12-24",
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "16:00"
        "date": "2025-12-26",
        "open": true,
        "open_time": "09:00",
        "close_time": "16:00"
  "domain": "2hqh3aw8.loc.uk.to.co",
  "address": {
    "domain": "yyb7e4pd.a.uk.to.co",
    "line1": "171 Victoria Street",
    "line2": "London",
    "zip": "SW1E 5NN",
    "country_code": "GB"
  "links": {
    "facebook_url": "https://www.facebook.com/johnlewisretail",
    "instagram_url": "https://instagram.com/johnlewis",
    "linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/johnlewisandpartners/",
    "tiktok_url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@johnlewis",
    "twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/JohnLewisRetail",
    "website_url": "https://www.johnlewis.com/",
    "youtube_url": "https://www.youtube.com/c/johnlewisandpartners"