Key | Type | Description |
address | Address | |
address_verified | boolean | Has the postal address been verified by the Location owner? |
code | string | Optional code set by the owner to represent this Location |
closed_date | string | The date the Location closed |
default | boolean | Is this the default Location for the related Org? |
description | string | The description of the Location |
domain | string | The to.co Stable Domain Name for the Location ending .loc.to.co |
emails | Emails | |
established_year | integer (int32) | The year the Location was established |
hours | Hours | |
links | Links | |
name | string | The Location name |
org_domain | string | The to.co Stable Domain Name for the Org ending .{country_code}.to.co |
phones | Phones | |
public_domain | string | The public to.co Stable Domain Name or Public Location Domain ending in .loc.to.co which shows the to.co Page for the Location |
updated | string | The time the Location was last updated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
version_number | integer (int32) | Version number of the Location record |
{ "address_verified": true, "name": "John Lewis & Partners", "hours": { "normal": [ { "day": 0, "open": false, "open_time": "00:00", "close_time": "00:00" }, { "day": 1, "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "17:00" }, { "day": 2, "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "17:00" }, { "day": 3, "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "17:00" }, { "day": 4, "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "17:00" }, { "day": 5, "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "17:00" }, { "day": 6, "open": false, "open_time": "00:00", "close_time": "00:00" } ], "special": [ { "date": "2025-12-24", "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "16:00" }, { "date": "2025-12-26", "open": true, "open_time": "09:00", "close_time": "16:00" } ] }, "domain": "2hqh3aw8.loc.uk.to.co", "address": { "domain": "yyb7e4pd.a.uk.to.co", "line1": "171 Victoria Street", "line2": "London", "zip": "SW1E 5NN", "country_code": "GB" }, "links": { "facebook_url": "https://www.facebook.com/johnlewisretail", "instagram_url": "https://instagram.com/johnlewis", "linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/johnlewisandpartners/", "tiktok_url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@johnlewis", "twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/JohnLewisRetail", "website_url": "https://www.johnlewis.com/", "youtube_url": "https://www.youtube.com/c/johnlewisandpartners" } }